2010年9月28日 星期二

Cover Girl Lipstick Lot

Cover Girl Lipstick Lot

Overstock Cover Girl Lipsticks!
1 Case       $1.50      (200 Units/Case)
3 Case       $1.45      (200 Units/Case)
7 Case       $1.40      (200 Units/Case)
10 Case     $1.35      (200 Units/Case)

Overstock & Shelf Pull Cover Girl Lipsticks!
200 pieces per case.
This strictly lipstick Cover Girl lot includes two types of lipsticks in multiple colors:
Cover Girl TruShine Lip Color and Cover Girl IncrediFull Lip Color
Units come loose (uncarded), many come sealed with retail protective plastic.
The majority of units will include 50% OFF sale stickers on them which may be removed easily in most cases.
There is no exact breakdown of how many of each style are in the box- you should be ready to receive a mix of both though not necessarily 50/50.
Large majority are fresh, in-date goods. You may receive a very small percentage of items dated 2009. All others will be dated 2010 and beyond.
Note that these are shelf pulls and overstocks. A small percentage of the lipsticks may have slid to the top of the tub making them look "used" or damaged, though units are not store testers.

Visit AL Direct for your order Click here

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